The Woburn Host Lions Club is a registered 501 (c)3 organization.
SUPPORT OUR MISSION The need to continue raising funds to help people continues. We would like to provide a means by which those of you who support our mission of eyesight research can make a donation towards that end. We've set up a form where you can make a donation towards Lions Eye Research, to help us fulfill our mission. LIONS CLUB INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION Did you know that millions of people around the world have benefited through more than 13,000 Lions Club International Foundation (LCIF) grants, which have totaledmore than US$1 billion. That number continues to grow in part from gifts from foundations, corporations, governments and non-Lions. However, the vast majority of LCIF’s funding comes through the generous donations from Lions clubs and individual members. The Woburn Host Lions Club makes a substantial donation each year to support the work of LCIF. | WE SERVE President Rob Toro, along with the Presidents of the Middlesex Lions and the Breakfast Lions at the Tri-Club Christmas party held recently at the Woburn Country Club.
| MEET OUR KING LION This years King Lion John Serson, with his lovely wife Christine. |
Our Platinum Sponors! |
Big Thanks also to John & Kathryn Flaherty for their support!
To see our other sponsors, please click HERE
Since our club has no idea how to take it easy, we figured why not throw a Beep-ball tournament on Saturday July 15th. Five teams from the northeast played in the "Beast of the East" beep-ball held at the Joyce soccer fields in Woburn. We had assistance from the Middlesex Lions Club here in Woburn as well. Click HERE to see some photo's of the day. Thanks to all who participated! | The Woburn Host Lions are proud to be assisting the International Lions Convention, being held in Boston this year. We were tasked with making sure the Parade goes smoothly....after all, we do have SOME experience in that area! |